Vrh "G" - Litter " G"

Dňa 5.6.2022 sa nám narodili šteniatka boxera zo zaujímavého spojenia.
Tara porodila 2 zlaté sučky a 1 bieleho psíka.

On June 5, 2022, boxer puppies were born to us from 
an interesting connection.
Tara gave birth to 2 fawn female and 1 white male.
Sme radi, že aj tieto úžasné stvorenia našli svoje milujúce rodiny, v Českej republike
Guitara / Ebbie/ zostáva v našej chovateľskej stanici

We are happy that these wonderful creatures have found their 
loving families, in the Czech Republic.
Guitara / Ebbie/ remains in our kennel...


white male


fawn female


fawn female

simply boxer